Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My personal experience!!

Recently, I just came back from Melacca and I went with my Aikido companies. The reason we went to Melacca was actually an exchange programme that was to visit my Sensei's friend who happen to be a sensei as well. This exchange programme will be up often around every 3 months as Sensei wishes us to communicate and train with overseas friends as well. Things turn out to be fun!!

On the first day, our Sensei brought us to lots of interesting and fun places. The foods in Melacca were awesome too!! As for the second day, we prepared ourselves for training in the hotel lobby and waited to be fetched to the Dojo.

Some photographs of me training in Melacca with my buddies and foreign friends.

Training was fun! Learned so much new stuffs which were not taught in Singapore. Haha.
It's a pity that I didn't have photographs of me doing more amazing techniques.
However, I still have group photographs of me,friends and the Sensei of Melacca.

Group photo with the honourable Sensei of Melacca!

Group photo with my buddies and seniors.

If you joined me,
we will get to go overseas training,
we will get to learn discipline
and you will get to know me!! HAHA!
Just look at all the fun I had! Join me at ZhenQiShu Aikido now!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kyudo: Way of the bow


Kyudo which means the "Japanese way of the bow", is an archery martial art. It is considered to be the purest of all martial arts. It of course involves bows and arrows where one use to train his concentration and composure. The bow is called a "yumi" and is traditionally made out of bamboo, wood and leather, using techniques that have not changed for a long time. On the other hand, the length of the arrow,or "ya", is determined by the draw length of the archer. The archer is also known as the "yatsuka". Of course,Modern kyudo is practiced primarily as a method of physical, moral, and spiritual development.

Yep!! I believe many of us did not heard of any martial art like this? Frankly speaking, I was very impressed and eagered to share this martial art with you guys when I discovered it online!! Interesting ya? To have an archery as a martial art.

If you guys had NOTICED! The girl in Inuyasha is a Kyudoka...XD

                                                Watch this demostration of Kyudo!